News from around the water industry.
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Water bill validation is an absolute must for non household water customers
Like most businesses and organisations, you probably assume your water, wastewater and trade effluent bills are correct?...
Despite The Rain, Potential UK Water Shortages Still Loom
The last 18 months leading up to March 2024 saw a record amount of rainfall across England, with Press Association analy...
Black Samphire: UK River Pollution Gets The Hollywood Treatment
The state of the UK’s rivers could now be considered something of a national disgrace, with just 14 per cent of the na...
United Utilities Publishes North-West Sewer Revamp Road Map
The UK’s ageing sewer network poses a significant problem around the country, leading to water leaks, pollution and fl...
The UK’s premier Business Water Switching site, sponsors “Late Tee Time Podcast”
Its a fact, Golf needs water! Without water the greens will fade and die. All golfers want to stay away from the water, ...
River Pollution: Is It Getting Worse?
River health in the UK is a hot topic of conversation these days, with water quality a growing concern around the countr...
Water Recycling & Why It’s Becoming Increasingly Important
Tackling the water crisis will involve a wide range of different strategies and approaches, with each nation around the ...
What Causes Droughts And Why Do They Stop?
Every business in the world relies on a high quality, plentiful water supply to function, if for no other reason than ev...
Spotlight On: Water Quality Of The River Wharfe
It’s safe to say that water is one of the most precious natural resources that we have. Without it, life would be impo...
Southern Water Confirms Data Breach
Towards the end of January, it emerged that the Black Basta ransomware group had claimed responsibility for a cyber atta...
The word is out! UK Businesses and Public Sector to face another significant increase in water bills
This year Southern Water take the prize for the largest increase in metered water bills. Last year 11.6 percent b...
How Can Water Bosses Get Millions In Bonuses Amid Water Crisis?
The problem of poor quality and availability of freshwater in the UK is getting worse and worse, as a result of an incre...