FAQs’ about Switching Water Supplier in the water retail market
None residential customers ask many questions about switching water supplier, so in order to help you here are just a few key questions : –
Can you choose your business water supplier?
Your right to switch water supplier is determined by a range of factors, for example: –
Is your property a commercial property, if so you can switch water supplier.
Residential customers cannot at the present switch water supplier.
How do I find a retailer?
If your still unsure who your water retailer is you can find out by checking your most recent water bill.
If you can’t find a bill or if you have recently moved to a new business premises you can contact any water retailer and they can tell you which water or wastewater retailer is registered to your premises.
Is it worth changing water supplier?
Changing water supplier can offer numerous benefits, such as better customer service, more competitive pricing and further savings such as a water audit which will identify savings and refunds due to historical billing errors.
Can a business choose a water supplier?
Businesses are now able to choose their water retailer just like they would for other utilities such as gas and power.
Is there only one water supplier in Wales?
In Wales, businesses, charities or public sector organisations that are currently served by a Welsh supplier may only switch retailers if they use in excess of 50 million litres of water per year. If not, they must continue to be served by their local water company.
For customers whose premises are in Wales and their water use is above 50 million litres per year, there’s a choice to remain with the existing retailer or switch to a different retailer, but if a premises is already served by Dee Valley Water, it is not possible to switch to Welsh Water or vice versa.
How do I go about switching water supplier for a better deal?
You can go through an energy or water broker, often they will only deal with one or two water retailers.
They will request quotes from a few water retail companies and then pass the quotes onto the customer plus their commission.
This kind of brokering is now considered “old hat” in the digital age, especially as there are over 20 water retailers to choose from.
Sending out requests to a few suppliers is hardly the most competitive, transparent, impartial and modern way of obtaining the best value deals, particularly as many business customers have complex needs, for example large sites or multiple manufacturing and production sites.
Generally brokers are relying solely on the water retail companies to get the deal right and ensure the deal is right for the customer.
A thorough knowledge of the water market and changing structures are often needed, without this knowledge and expertise customers would be exposed to a deal that is not right for them, only to rely on price alone on a standard broker arrangement would not be wise.
Other digital platforms should be considered, look for those that offer an impartial, independent and transparent tendering process, that can demonstrate a system that gives all water retail companies the option to participate and pitch for your water supply contract in a competitive environment and is governed by a recognised code of conduct that protects customers and water retail companies.
Stay clear of those websites that claim they go out to all water retailers requesting they participate in a tender, many say they do so ask them to prove it and gain visibility of the process.
There has been an explosion this year of websites where you simply enter your postcode and are given a price or its a lead generation website and customers receive a call from an energy broker.
“Being an agent for only one water retailer is hardly offering a competitive and impartial service”
The companies are agents for often only one water retailer, claiming they get the best deal, or the best water retailer.
Shop around and above all challenge the claims and insist on a recognised customer codes of conduct
Ofwats principles for voluntary TPI codes of conduct
What customers should look out for is a company protecting customers in the business water market, retaining confidence and help to maintain ethical standards.