Water Industry News

Does My Business Need A Water Audit Carried Out?

If you’re worried that you’re paying too much on your water bills and aren’t sure what to do, your very first step towards getting a grip on the situation is to have a water audit carried out, which can often see a 30 per cent reduction in charges for water supply and wastewater disposal. So, as you can see, it could certainly be worth looking into!


The process involves a comparison of your water use, including volumes, with what your water supplier is charging you for, with the aim being to reveal any discrepancies that may exist and which may have resulted in you being overcharged.


An audit also means you can then identify the necessary solutions to help you reduce your water consumption and usage, and therefore reduce your costs, sometimes quite significantly.


What does a water audit involve?


If you get in touch with the team here at Switch Water Supplier (SwitchWaterSupplier.com), we can come and conduct an in-depth analysis of your historical water bills.


We will need to see a complete record of your water supply and wastewater bills, going back at least one year, and we may also need to see the bills for each site and from every supplier, if you operate numerous sites across your business.


We will also need to ask you about how water is used at each of your sites, so we can build up an idea of actual use across your premises and then compare this against your bills.


The amount of information we need will depend on the kind of business you run and it’s likely that we’ll require more from the likes of manufacturing, process and plant operations, because of the high volumes of water used by those in these industries.


What’s the next step?


Once the audit has been carried out, you can then start thinking about which water-saving solutions would be most appropriate for you and your business. There are a lot of options available to you, whether you want to prioritise the likes of rainwater harvesting first or perhaps something like water leak detection and repair.


It’s likely that you do have leaks somewhere onsite, so this is often a good place to start. Did you know that three billion litres of water is lost through leakage in England alone each and every day?


Wastage is a huge problem and with water shortages predicted to become apparent in as little as ten years, there’s no time like the present to make this your focus and help make water supplies around the country more resilient, safeguarding resources for future generations.


If you’d like to find out more about any of these services, get in touch with the SwitchWaterSupplier.com team today.